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Today Here is a Small trick to add Animated flying text next to your mouse pointer (cursor).This is a Simple blogger trick.By adding this Code when you move your mouse pointer over your blog you will see the text flying along with the Pointer next to it. And You can Add your desired text to the Widget.
How to Install This Widget to blogger :.
!.) Login to your blogger > Go to design> Edit Html.
2)Now find </body> tag and paste the below code just above it.
Today Here is a Small trick to add Animated flying text next to your mouse pointer (cursor).This is a Simple blogger trick.By adding this Code when you move your mouse pointer over your blog you will see the text flying along with the Pointer next to it. And You can Add your desired text to the Widget.
How to Install This Widget to blogger :.
!.) Login to your blogger > Go to design> Edit Html.
2)Now find </body> tag and paste the below code just above it.
<script type="text/javascript">var text=' Your Text Goes Here ';</script><script src="http://technouniversityworldjavascript-testing.googlecode.com/files/mousecursorfollow.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Now Change the red colored text "your text Goes Here" With your Desired Text and Save the Template.Now You're done.That's it.